6:30 PM18:30

Light for the Bight

Light for the Bight is a free, family friendly, Nature Festival celebration to support World Heritage protection for the Nullarbor and Great Australian Bight.The Mirning Traditional Custodians will bring this spectacular twilight lantern parade of the Jeedara Creation story to life in Semaphore, by permission of the Kaurna Elders.

Join us on Semaphore Foreshore as we wait for the sun to set and for the magnificent lanterns to commence their spectacular parade from the jetty to the reserve and then on to the beach.

Grab a bite to eat from the delicious Staazi & Co and OMG Decadent Donuts stationed on Semaphore Foreshore or from the local eateries and have a picnic before the theatrics get started.

For more info and tickets: events.humanitix.com/light-for-the-bight

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Volunteer Welcome Night °  The Wilderness Society South Australia
6:00 PM18:00

Volunteer Welcome Night ° The Wilderness Society South Australia

  • The Wilderness Society South Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Engage your community and inspire change.

Come and join us over some shared dinner to find out what the Wilderness Society is all about and how you can help.

We will provide the food, you provide the curiosity.

The focus is on connecting with new like minded people, sharing stories, learning about our Community Organising training and joining your local team.

Movement For Life will teach you skills driving the biggest movements in our world today. If you'd like to volunteer your expertise, skills and experience with the Wilderness Society, this is a great way to get started.

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Volunteer Welcome Lunch ° TWS SA
12:15 PM12:15

Volunteer Welcome Lunch ° TWS SA

  • The Wilderness Society South Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Engage your community and inspire change.
Come and join us over some shared lunch to find out what the Wilderness Society is all about and how you can help.

We will provide the food, you provide the curiosity.

The focus is on connecting with new like minded people, sharing stories, learning about our Community Organising training and joining your local team.

Movement For Life
will teach you skills driving the biggest movements in our world today. If you'd like to volunteer your expertise, skills and experience with the Wilderness Society, this is a great way to get started.

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Global Day Of Action- #FightForTheBight Perth
12:00 PM12:00

Global Day Of Action- #FightForTheBight Perth

  • 123 Saint Georges Terrace Perth, WA, 6000 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by Sea Shepherd Australia and The Wilderness Society, The Wilderness Society WA, Surfrider Foundation Perth & Great Australian Bight Alliance

On Wednesday the 15th of May at 12pm, The Great Australian Bight Alliance will be holding a peaceful gathering and press conference out the front of Equinor's Australian head office in Perth.

On the same day in Stavanger, Norway, Mirning elder Bunna Lawrie and Director of the Wilderness Society South Australia, Peter Owen, will attend Equinor's annual general meeting (AGM).

With the momentum of the #FightForTheBight movement, we need to keep building our groundswell of Australians opposing Equinor's plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight, and we need you!

We encourage everyone to come along to our action in Perth, to voice your opposition to Equinor and stand strong for the Bight: one of the last big marine wilderness areas on the planet!

Bring along images of the Great Australian Bight or oil spill impacts, print-outs of Equinor's logo, and signs or flags, if you have them!

- Jeff Hansen - Managing Director Sea Shepherd Australia
- Others TBA

All are welcome – together we can keep Equinor out of the Bight!

LEARN MORE about the #FightForTheBight: https://www.fightforthebight.org.au


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Paddle Out Oslo - Equinor og Norges rolle i Australbukta Public
12:00 PM12:00

Paddle Out Oslo - Equinor og Norges rolle i Australbukta Public

Hosted by Fight for the Bight Norway, and Greenpeace Norge, Natur og Ungdom, Nordic Surfers Magazine, Nordic Ocean Watch,Patagonia, Great Australian Bight Alliance, and Folkeaksjonen oljefritt Lofoten, Vesterålen og Senja

Norwegian (English text below):

Hva er det egentlig Equinor driver med nede i Australia?

Vi inviterer til en dag på Salt med paneldiskusjon, visning av Patagonias film "Never Town", musikk og selvfølgelig den mest australske demonstrasjonsformen av dem alle; en paddle out foran operahuset.

Eventet arrangeres av The Great Australian Bight Alliance, Greenpeace Norge, Folkeaksjonen Oljefritt Lofoten Vesterålen Senja, Nordic Surfers Mag og Patagonia. Med en delegasjon fra Australia nå i Norge, er dette en perfekt anledning til å diskutere Equinors rolle hjemme og i utlandet

Salts servering er åpen og det er mulig å kjøpe billetter til badstua.


Bunna Lawrie er aboriginsk leder og musiker fra Australbukta. Hans folk har tatt vare på Australbukta i tusenvis av år, så han er den beste til å fortelle hvor unikt og viktig Australbukta er.

Ingrid Skjoldvær, nestleder i Folkeaksjonen oljefritt Lofoten Vesterålen og Senja, deler erfaringer fra arbeidet med å redde norske områder fra oljevirksomhet.

Peter Owen og Jess Lerch, fra The Wilderness Society, en del av The Great Australian Bight Alliance, deler erfaringer fra flere års arbeid med å holde oljeselskap ute av Australbukta. Peter var “Environmentalist of the year” for sitt arbeid i Australia.

Heath Joske er ambassadør for Patagonia og surfet tidligere profesjonelt. Han bor og surfer i Australbukta, og jobber nå som fisker. Han kjenner havet sør for Australia godt og møter med Equinor har gjort han mer bekymret.


12:00 - Velkomst med innledende taler fra The Great Australian Bight Alliance og samarbeidspartnere.
12:30 - Paddle out
13:30 - Filmvisning og paneldebatt


Hva er en paddle-out?

Paddle out er en markeringsform hvor en gruppe padler ut på vannet på surfbrett, kajakker eller noe annet som flyter og møtes til en markering ute på vannet. Paddle-out-markeringen er vanlig i Australia hvor “alle” har et surfbrett eller tre i garasjen og vannet er varmt. Dette stopper ikke hos fra å gjøre det, men den blir nok en litt raskere affære i når vi padler ut mellom Salt og operahuset.

Må jeg ut i vannet?
Det viktigste er at du tar turen til Salt. Vi ønsker at flest mulig blir med på selve paddle-outen, men det er ikke et krav. Størstedelen av arrangementet skjer på land, med paneldebatt, taler og filmvisning.

Er det mulig å bli med å padle ut selv om jeg ikke har brett/kano/kajakk?
Vi vil ha noe låneutstyr etter førstemann til mølla-prinsippet.

Er det sikkert?
Du må selv ta en avgjørelse på om du er trygg nok på deg selv i vannet, og vet hvordan du skal forholde deg i kaldt vann. Greenpeace stiller med båt for å sørge for sikkerheten.

Er dette et anti-Equinor-arrangement?
Nei, vi mener at Equinor har noen prosjekter, slik som Australbukta, som verken gagner klimaendringene, naturen eller omdømmet til Equinor og Norge. Det er dette vi setter søkelys på og diskuterer denne dagen.

Er saunaene til Salt tilgjengelige?
De er åpne, men må bookes her https://www.salted.no/sauna

in English:

What exactly is Equinor doing in Australia?

Please join us for a day of action at SALT, including a panel discussion, a screening of Patagonia’s film NeverTown, music and of course the most Australian demonstration of them all - a ‘paddle out’ in front of the Oslo Opera House.

The event is co-hosted by the Great Australian Bight Alliance, Greenpeace Norway, the People's Action for Oil-Free Lofoten, Nordic Surfers Mag and Patagonia. With a delegation of Australians travelling to Norway to present at Equinor's Annual General Meeting, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss Equinors' role at home and abroad.

Food and drinks will be available for purchase at the SALT café and tickets will be available for the SALT sauna.


Bunna Lawrie is a Mirning Aboriginal elder and musician from the Great Australian Bight. His people have cared for the Bight for thousands of years, so there is no one better at explaining the significance of the area.

Ingrid Skjoldvær from the People's Action for Oil-Free Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja will share her experiences from working to save Norwegian waters from oil activities.

Peter Owen and Jess Lerch from The Wilderness Society, which is part of the Great Australian Bight Alliance, will share their experiences from years of campaigning to keep oil companies out of the Bight. Peter was named ‘Environmentalist of the Year’ for his work in Australia.

Heath Joske is a Patagonia Ambassador and former professional surfer who lives, surfs and works as a fisherman in the Bight. He has a deep understanding of Australia’s Southern Ocean and, after meetings with Equinor, is concerned about its future.


12:00 - Welcome with introductory speeches from The Great Australian Bight Alliance and local partners.
12:30 - Paddle out
13:30 - Film screening and panel discussion


What is a paddle out?
A ‘paddle out’ is a demonstration where a group of people gather together in the water on surfboards, kayaks or anything else that floats to show their support for a particular cause. Paddle outs are a common form of demonstration in Australia, as almost everyone has a surfboard or some kind of vessel in their garage and the water is warm. We won’t be deterred by the colder water in Oslo, but it will be a slightly faster affair when we paddle out between SALT and the Opera House.

Do I have to go out into the water?
No. The most important thing is that you go to SALT. We want as many people as possible to join the actual paddle out, but you can also participate from the shore. Most of the event will take place at SALT, including the panel discussion, speeches and the film screening.

Is it possible to join the paddle out if I don't have a board / canoe / kayak?
Yes. There will be some boards, kayaks and other equipment available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Is it safe?

You should only enter the water if you are a confident swimmer and feel comfortable doing so. Greenpeace will be on the water with a boat to ensure safety.

Is this an anti-Equinor event?
No. We believe that some of Equinor’s projects, including their planned activities in the Great Australian Bight, pose a significant risk to climate change, globally unique biodiversity and the reputation of both Equinor and Norway. This is what we will highlight and discuss during the event.

Can we use the Saunas at Salt?

Salt's saunas are open, and can be booked here as long as they have capacity. https://www.salted.no/sauna

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Hands Across the Sand Wallaroo
11:00 AM11:00

Hands Across the Sand Wallaroo

Let's stand together to send a message to Equinor and our government that we say no to risky and dirty deep sea drilling in the Great Australian Bight!

Hands across the Sand is an event that brings people from all parts of the community together, symbolising drawing a line in the sand against offshore drilling and promoting a just transition to clean energy.

This day of action started in the US in 2010 after the BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and has since grown internationally as the recognition from communities grows that our oceans should not be oil fields.

Bring friends, family, placards and any creative element you want to bring to the action.

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Hands Across The Sand - Fight for the Bight, Shoalhaven
8:00 AM08:00

Hands Across The Sand - Fight for the Bight, Shoalhaven

  • Mollymook Surf Life Saving Club Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by Treading Lightly in the M.U.D and Great Australian Bight Alliance

On the 6th of April our community came together at North Mollymook Beach, to paddle out in peaceful protest against the proposed drilling in our precious Great Australian Bight, by Norwegian Big Oil Company Equinor.

It was a day that our community, people of all ages, over 300 of us, came together to say NO WAY EQUINOR! To say we want to protect our coastlines, our oceans, the livelihood of our communities, our wildlife and our children’s future!

BUT…it isn’t enough. We didn’t receive any publicity, people are still uneducated on Equinor’s own admissions, within their own Environmental plan, of the dangers to our oceans should their exploratory drill go wrong. People do not understand what that would mean for OUR TOWN!

Our voices were not heard loud enough. So, we are asking you to give up another morning, to come together and link hands across the sand. We want to spread across our beach, in defence of our coastline, from SOUTH END OF MOLLYMOOK, RIGHT ACROSS TO NORTH END!

MEETING PLACE: In front of the Mollymook Surf Club (South Mollymook)
TIME: 8:00am
SCHEDULE: (please note we will do our best to stay within these timeframes as we are mindful many people have work, activities to get to )

- 8:00am to 8:15am for the official Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by local Budawang Elder from the Yuin Nation, Noel Butler with his wife Trish.

- 8:15am to 8:35am, find out about what this drill will mean for the Great Australian Bight and how it will affect our community in the case of a major oil spill.

- 8:35am to 8:45am, form into Hands Across the Sand to stand in solidarity and to capture images and footage to show and send to all levels of Government, so they can see that we are passionate about protecting our home.

We want to send a message, LOUD AND CLEAR to Equinor that we do not want them to drill in the Great Australian Bight, in OUR oceans!

We cannot sit in hope this will go away. We cannot sit in hope that a spill won’t happen. We cannot hope they will fix it if it does, THEY CAN’T!!! They admit that themselves.

Their own country will not let them do it in Norway, WHY SHOULD WE LET THEM DO IT HERE???

Please be part of a movement that is aiming to write our own futures, instead of sitting back in the hope that it will all be OK. Be part of the change. Be a voice for the voiceless, our whales, dolphins, sharks and every other living creature that need this important part of our coast to be healthy in order to survive.


See you on the beach
xxx Monica Mudge on behalf of Treading Lightly in the M.U.D.

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Fight for the Bight Popup Film Festival
5:00 PM17:00

Fight for the Bight Popup Film Festival

  • 3A Oakleigh Road Marion, SA, 5043 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by Australian Youth Climate Coalition SA, Greenpeace Australia Pacific, The Wilderness Society South Australia and Great Australian Bight Alliance

Drilling in the bight is a huge threat to a safe climate future, so this election young people will be making their voices heard! Let's hang out at Nicolle Flint's office and show her some educational films about why the bight must be protected, and why we need strong action action on climate change. This is an opportunity for our politicians to take real leadership and listen to young people about protecting our futures!

Come and hang out at our projected mini film fest, listen to some youth speakers, eat some tasty snacks and settle in for a cozy night!

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Paneldiskusjon - møt og hør delegasjonen fra Australia
4:00 PM16:00

Paneldiskusjon - møt og hør delegasjonen fra Australia

Hosted by Fight for the Bight Norway and Great Australian Bight Alliance

10 May 2019 from 18:00-20:00 UTC+02

In Danish:
Internasjonale kampanjer, trenger internasjonale møteplasser, så vi inviterer til paneldiskusjon med Australierne som jobber med #fightforthebight-kampanjen, Greenpeace og Folkeaksjonen Oljefritt LoVeSe. De er i Norge i forindelse med Equinors generalforsamling.

I panelet

Bunna Lawrie, aboriginsk leder og musiker,har påvirket mange med sine nære historier om livet i Australbukta

Peter Owen og Jess Lerch fra The Great Australian Bight Alliance, har årevis med erfaring med å holde oljeselskap unna Australbukta.

Brynn O'Brien, bruker selskapsloven mot selskap som bryter egne klima-retningslinjer.

Ingrid Skjoldvær, styremedlem i Folkeaksjonen Oljefritt LoVeSe, som nylig reddet Lofoten fra oljevirksomhet.

Martin Norman, klimarådgiver Greenpeace Norge har lang erfaring med Equinor.

Moderator: Peter Dawson, Australsk jurist og koordinator av Fight for the Bight Norway.

Dette blir et panel med norske og australske deltakere, som har det til felles at de jobber opp mot Equinor og norsk oljevirksomhet. Det blir samtaler rundt hvordan de to landene forholder seg til Equinor, hvilke taktikker som brukes og hva som fungerer og ikke fungerer i de to landene.

Å forstå er sammenhengen melllom det norske folk, myndighetene og det statseide Equinor er en utfordring for mange utenlandske organisasjoner. The Great Australian Bight Alliance vil fortelle om hvordan de har jobbet med å bygge relasjoner til norske organisasjoner for så å drive kampanjen fra andre siden av kloden.

In English:
International campaigns need international forums, so please join us for a panel discussion with experienced climate campaigners and policy experts who are each working to protect sensitive marine areas from risky oil projects in Australia and Norway.

Panelists will include the Australians working on the #fightforthebight campaign, Greenpeace Norway and the People's Action for Oil-Free Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja. This is a great opportunity to meet the Australian delegation that has travelled to Norway for Equinor's Annual General Meeting.


Bunna Lawrie is a Mirning Aboriginal elder and musician from the Great Australian Bight. His people have cared for the Bight for thousands of years, so there is no one better at explaining the significance of the area.

Peter Owen and Jess Lerch from the The Wilderness Society, which is part of the Great Australian Bight Alliance, will share their experiences from years of campaigning to keep oil companies out of the Bight.

Brynn O'Brien, Executive Director of the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility, works to promote better corporate performance on human rights and environmental issues.

Ingrid Skjoldvær from the People's Action for Oil-Free Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja will share her experiences from working to save Norwegian waters from oil activities.

Martin Norman, Climate and Energy Advisor at Greenpeace Norway, has extensive experience leading campaigns against risky oil projects in Norway and abroad.

Moderator: Peter Dawson, Australian lawyer and coordinator of Fight for the Bight Norway.

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Hands Across the Sand
11:00 AM11:00

Hands Across the Sand

Let's stand together to send a message to Equinor (neé Statoil) and our government that we say no to risky and dirty deep sea drilling in the Great Australian Bight!

Hands across the Sand is an event that brings people from all parts of the community together, symbolising drawing a line in the sand against offshore drilling and promoting a just transition to clean energy.

This day of action started in the US in 2010 after the BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and has since grown internationally as the recognition from communities grows that our oceans should not be oil fields.

Bring friends, family, placards and any creative element you want to bring to the action.

Events will be held at:

South Australia

Brighton + Paddleout

Kangaroo Island + Vivonne Bay (details TBC)



Port Willunga

Point Sinclair


Port Fairy

Western Australia

Margaret River

New South Wales

North Wollongong Beach + Paddleout

Not one near you? Grab a mate and organise one - all you need is few people holding hands and someone taking the photo! Guide to organise your own can be found here

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Fight for the Bight Paddle Out - Hobart
10:30 AM10:30

Fight for the Bight Paddle Out - Hobart

  • Long Beach, Sandybay Nut grove beach lower sandybay, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia 7000 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Fight for the Bight - Hobart is a Surfrider Foundation Australia and Great Australian Bight Alliance event supported by Wilderness Society, Patagonia and Sea Shepherd.

Almost a decade ago, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the United States failed, leading to one of the most haunting marine tragedies in living memory. It was an environmental disaster, spewing millions of litres of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The proposed Equinor drill in the Bight is twice as deep as Deepwater in some of the most treacherous waters in the world, making it extra risky.

What does an oil rig in South Australia have to do with us in Tasmania? In November, the ABC revealed a leaked internal report, prepared by Equinor, that showed an oil spill in the Bight could reach beyond the southern coastlines of Australia but would also and completely encircle Tasmania.

Equinor is putting coastal communities, fisheries, whales and sea creatures right around our island in danger through experimental oil drilling.

As an island of ocean lovers, we can not let this happen.


On Saturday April 27th we want swimmers, surfers, bodyboarders, stand up paddle boarders and everyone in between to join a paddle out at Long Beach to tell the federal government to reject Equinor’s plans to drill for oil in the Bight. Those who don’t want to go into the water can also participate from the beach.

Bring your friends, family, aunts, uncles, kids, grandparents — anyone who cares about the future of Tasmania's pristine coastline —for a day of good vibes as we peacefully but firmly send a unified message to Equinor and the federal government.

Remember: Safety first — do not enter the water if you are not a confident swimmer. You can be part of the event on the shoreline too!


Meet along the foreshore at Long Beach before we paddle out together.

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Action Night for the Bight
5:30 PM17:30

Action Night for the Bight

  • Waste not Want not Eco Shop Blackwood (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Do you want the Bight protected from risky deep sea oil drilling?

Then you've got to take action!

Don't know how? That's where the "Action Night for the Bight" comes in.

We've got:

  • short films to inspire you,

  • a workshop to strengthen you,

  • resources to reinforce you,

  • answers to the questions that have been bugging you,

  • and last but not least food and drinks and good company to nourish you. 

We know that each of our actions when put together, has a huge impact. BP is out. Chevron is out.
Now it's time for our government to protect the Bight and our climate once and for all. 

Elections are a prime time to get our politicians to commit to our vision of the future. Your voice matters as well as your vote. Now is the time to use both!

So whether it's a little inspiration, a campaign update, a workshop on engaging your candidate or just some resources you are after, this is a night for you.

Come along from start to finish or drop in when you can. We will post a more detailed timeline of the night closer to the date. 

On the night you can collect your yard sign and/or flyers to letterbox your local streets encouraging others to take action. 

If you have any questions get in touch with Dani at daniela.carvalho@wilderness.org.au or 8231 6586. 

Want to brush up on the campaign before the night? Check out the Great Australian Bight Alliance website. 

See you there!

Get Tickets

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Fight for the Bight Paddle Out — Newcastle
2:00 PM14:00

Fight for the Bight Paddle Out — Newcastle


Fight for the Bight - Newcastle is a Surfrider Foundation Australia and Great Australian Bight Alliance event supported by Wilderness Society, Patagonia and Sea Shepherd.

The Bight is no place for risky deepwater drilling. You probably remember images of BP’s Deepwater Horizon explosion in the US. It was an environmental disaster, spewing millions of litres of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The proposed Equinor drill in the Bight is twice as deep as Deepwater in some of the most treacherous waters in the world, making it extra risky.

In November, the ABC revealed a leaked internal report, prepared by Equinor, that showed an oil spill in the Bight could reach Victoria’s shorelines including the Great Ocean Road and Port Philip Bay and as far North as Port Macquarie's beaches, and completely encircle Tasmania.

Equinor is putting coastal communities, fisheries, whales and sea creatures in danger through experimental oil drilling.


So, on Sunday April 14 we want swimmers, surfers, bodyboarders, stand up paddle boarders and everyone in between to join a paddle out at Nobbys Beach to tell Equinor and the federal government to reject Equinor’s plans to drill for oil in the Bight. Those who don’t want to go into the water can also participate from the beach.

Bring your friends, family, aunts, uncles, kids, grandparents — anyone who cares about the future of Australia’s pristine coastline —for a day of good vibes as we peacefully but firmly send a unified message to Equinor and the federal government.

Bring any watercraft you have — surfboards, bodyboards, stand up paddle boards, kayaks, anything that floats or even just come for a swim or watch on from the beach.

Remember: Safety first — do not enter the water if you are not a confident swimmer.


Meet at Nobbys Beach near the Surf Club for speeches before we paddle out.

Public transport is recommended but there is parking in the area.

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Free OPEN DAY and Enchantment Under the Sea Student Showcase
10:00 AM10:00

Free OPEN DAY and Enchantment Under the Sea Student Showcase


Come away with us as we illuminate the mystical world of circus, where anything, and everything is possible....Sometimes it looks and feels like you are floating under water!

On the 14th of April, Sydney Trapeze School will be holding an FREE OPEN DAY!
We welcome you to not only watch and enjoy amazing circus performances, but dive into a world of enchantment and try them for yourself!!

With static trapeze, aerial hoop, silks, trampoline, juggling, rola bola, tight wire and flying trapeze all on offer... the possibilities are endless!!

Swim on down and see our "School of Circus Fish" perform breathtaking beautiful acts full of the colour and sounds of the world Under the Sea.

Bring along your family, friends, kids, or find your local 'Nemo' and come checkout the school!

Sydney Trapeze School Building 2K/1-7 Unwins Bridge Rd, St Peters, Sydney, Australia 2044

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Action Night for the Bight
5:30 PM17:30

Action Night for the Bight

Do you want the Bight protected from risky deep sea oil drilling?

Then you've got to take action!

Don't know how? That's where the "Action Night for the Bight" comes in.

We've got:

  • short films to inspire you,

  • a workshop to strengthen you,

  • resources to reinforce you,

  • answers to the questions that have been bugging you,

  • and last but not least food and drinks and good company to nourish you. 

We know that each of our actions when put together, has a huge impact. BP is out. Chevron is out.
Now it's time for our government to protect the Bight and our climate once and for all. 

Elections are a prime time to get our politicians to commit to our vision of the future. Your voice matters as well as your vote. Now is the time to use both!

So whether it's a little inspiration, a campaign update, a workshop on engaging your candidate or just some resources you are after, this is a night for you.

Come along from start to finish or drop in when you can. We will post a more detailed timeline of the night closer to the date. 

On the night you can collect your yard sign and/or flyers to letterbox your local streets encouraging others to take action. 

If you have any questions get in touch with Dani at daniela.carvalho@wilderness.org.au or 8231 6586. 

Want to brush up on the campaign before the night? Check out the Great Australian Bight Alliance website. 

See you there!

Get Tickets

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Operation Jeedara - film screening at Plant 4, Bowden
6:00 PM18:00

Operation Jeedara - film screening at Plant 4, Bowden

The fight to save the Bight is far from over!

Please join us at Plant 4 Bowden for a very special film screening of Operation Jeedara with the support of The Wilderness Society and Sea Shepherd SA. 

On the night you'll hear more about this important cause, enjoy local eco-friendly and sustainable-living market stalls & fresh healthy food & drink options from the Plant 4 eateries!

Doors open and market starts at 6pm, film starts at 7.30pm, guest panel Q&A at 8.30pm (approx)

Book Tickets

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6:00 PM18:00

Film Night for the Bight

The crew down at Victor Harbor are a hosting a series of short films on January 31st at Victa Cinema.

Each has been made as part of the epic campaign to protect the Great Australian Bight.

Find out where the campaign started, where its been and hear from some of the dedicated folk who have been giving it their all.

There will be a campaign update and a chance to chat over what we have to do next to make sure this doesn’t happen here in our beloved ocean.

This is free event being run by Alliance partners the Wilderness Society South Australian and Surfrider Foundation.

There will be drinks and snacks available to purchase on the night with all proceeds coming back to the campaign.

Please RSVP so we know how many to cater for!

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1:00 PM13:00

Labor: A Real Climate Plan Means No More Fossil Fuels!

Join an incredible show of people power in Adelaide for a safe climate future!

Labor's National Conference is their biggest event of the year and we are putting climate change on the agenda. A real climate plan means no more fossil fuels.

Labor's climate plan must include moving Australia beyond fossil fuels to clean renewable energy. That means:

- Stop Adani

- Stop oil exploration in the Great Australian Bight

- Stop fracking for gas

Labor has thoroughly enjoyed their time sitting on the fence but we now know we have 12 years to avoid locking in catastrophic climate change. This Conference is where they'll be committing to the policies they'll take to the Federal Election next year so this is our chance!

We're showing up at their conference and will be holding a rally at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 1-2pm on Sunday, December 16th.

Bring yourself, your friends, your signs and your passion for climate justice!

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5:45 PM17:45

Campaign Info Night

Together we can protect the Great Australian Bight from the risks of deep sea oil drilling. Come along on Wednesday 14th November - 6pm at The Jade to find out how. 

On the night you'll hear from Wilderness Society South Australia Director Peter Owen.

There will also be footage from Sea Shepherds latest trip to the bight and some new videos featuring people from across the West Coast of South Australia who have been working tirelessly on the campaign.

Join us after the update for a drink to celebrate the success in seeing the back of two oil giants so far in the campaign!

RSVP today

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11:00 AM11:00

Hands Across the Sand

Let's join together at beaches across Australia to celebrate our coasts and oceans and send a message to say no to risky and dirty deep sea drilling in the Great Australian Bight and yes to a clean energy future.

Our climate is being pushed beyond it's bounds - it's up to us to stand together and demonstrate that a safe and healthy environmental future is the only outcome we will settle for.

You can help us to create a symbolic barrier along the shore to call for the protection of the unique and pristine Great Australian Bight.

Events are being planned for: 

Adelaide - Semaphore

Port Willunga





Pt Lincoln

As well as events in WA, Victoria, Tassie and NSW! 

If you don't see an event near you why not hold your own Hands Across the Sand event at your local beach or park? As they say, many hands makes light work!

Check out the how to guide here

Don't forget to take photos on the day and use the hashtags

#JoinHANDS #fightfortheBight #underwaterwilderness 


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6:00 PM18:00

Operation Jeedara Doco Night Aldinga

The award winning documentary 'Operation Jeedara' showcases the stunning and remote coastline along the Great Australian Bight, and the need to protect the region from deep sea oil drilling. 

While BP and Chevron have withdrawn, and 6 councils across SA have passed notions to oppose drilling in the Bight, there is still much work to be done! 

Come along to learn about the continued fight against Big Oil in the Great Australian Bight. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Operation Jeedara Doco Night

The award winning documentary 'Operation Jeedara' showcases the stunning and remote coastline along the Great Australian Bight, and the need to protect the region from deep sea oil drilling. 

While BP and Chevron have withdrawn, and 6 councils across SA have passed notions to oppose drilling in the Bight, there is still much work to be done! 

Come along to learn about the continued fight against big oil in the Great Australian Bight. (An especially topical issue in light of the upcoming state election!) 

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