Organise your own 

Hands Across the sand - may 19

Your hands event can be as simple as you and a few friends taking a photo of yourselves holding hands on a beach - or a bigger event with music, speakers and activities - the most important part is that you upload the photos on the day and use the hashtags!

#fightforthebight          #JoinHANDS            #underwaterwilderness

Make it happen

We have created a super simple guide for you to download here. Or if you want to make it a bigger event check out the international Hands Across the Sand website. 

But really it's as simple as 1,2,3: 

  1. Create a facebook event, invite all your friends and make the Great Australian Bight Alliance page a co-host to help promote.
  2. Use the posters, social media, local radio, word of mouth and any means possible to promote your event.
  3. Rock up on May 19 and get someone to take a picture - upload it to social media using the hashtags & email us your shot asap!  

Poster Template

Feel free to make your own poster - but to save time you can use this handy one we prepared earlier. 

You can use Canva to edit the poster template (please MAKE A COPY). Or download this blank pdf or jpeg version to edit or just print as is and take to it with a texta! 

We've also made two facebook headers for you to choose from - one with the graphics from the poster OR this one with a photo


Some inspiration from 2017